



研究領域:海洋生物技術、基因轉殖魚技術、免疫學、病毒學 ( Immunology, Microbiology, Marine biotechnology )
電話:02-2462-2192 轉分機 5215
學歷:美國奧瑞岡州立大學博士 ( Ph.D., Oregan State University, USA )
Refereed Papers:
  1. PP Chiou, MJ Chen, CM Lin, J Khoo, J Larson, R Holt, JA Leong, G Thorgarrd, TT Chen (2014) Production of homozygous transgenic rainbow trout with enhanced disease resistance. Marine Biotechnology (NY) 16: 299.
  2. HY Lin, CJ Liou, YH Cheng, HC Hsu, JC Yiu, PP Chiou, YS Lai (2014) Development and application of a monoclonal antibody against grouper iridovirus (GIV) major capsid protein. Journal of Virological Methods 205: 31-37.
  3. ZY Chen, PP Chiou, CJ Liou, YS Lai (2015) Development and application of a monoclonal antibody against a putative myristoylated membrane protein encoded by grouper iridovirus 59L gene. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 113: 215-26.
  4. HY Lin, CF Cheng, PP Chiou, CJ Liou, JC Yiu, YS Lai (2015) Identification and characterization of a late gene encoded by grouper iridovirus 2L (GIV-2L). Journal of Fish Diseases 38: 881-890.
  5. SP Chen, RH Peng, PP Chiou (2015) Modulatory effect of CpG oligodeoxynucleotide on a DNA vaccine against nervous necrosis virus in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 45: 919-26.
  6. SL Hu, CJ Liou, YH Cheng, JC Yiu, PP Chiou*, YS Lai* (2015) Development and characterization of two monoclonal antibodies against grouper iridovirus 55L and 97L proteins. Journal of Fish Diseases 38: 249-58. (*Co-correspondence)
  7. HY Chen, W Liu, SY Wu, PP Chiou, YH Li, YC Chen, GH Lin, MW Lu*, JL Wu* (2015) RIG-I specifically mediates group II type I IFN activation in nervous necrosis virus infected zebrafish cells. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 43:427-35.
  8. FY Lee, HC Chuang, NY Chen, G Nagarajan, PP Chiou (2015) Toll-like receptor 9 alternatively spliced isoform negatively regulates TLR9 signaling in teleost fish. PLOS ONE 10(5): e0126388.
  9. HI Liu, PP Chiou, HY Gong, HY Chou (2015) Cloning of the major capsid protein (MCP) of grouper iridovirus of Taiwan (TGIV) and preliminary evaluation of a recombinant MCP vaccine against TGIV. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16: 28647–28656.
  10. ZY Chen, PP Chiou, CJ Liou, YS Lai (2016) Production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against a late gene encoded by grouper iridovirus 64L. Journal of Fish Diseases 39: 129-141.
  11. HP Kuo, CL Chung, YF Hung, YS Lai, PP Chiou, MW Lu*, ZL Kong* (2016) Comparison of the responses of different recombinant fish type I interferons against betanodavirus infection in grouper. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 49:143-153.
  12. HI Liu, YC Lin, PP Chiou, HY Chou (2016) Temperature-dependent pathogenicity of Grouper Iridovirus of Taiwan (TGIV). Journal of Marine Science and Technology 24: 637-644.
  13. FFY Lee, CF Hui, TH Chang, PP Chiou (2016) Alternative splicing of Toll-Like receptor 9 transcript in teleost fish grouper is regulated by NF-κB signaling via phosphorylation of the C-Terminal domain of the RPB1 subunit of RNA polymerase II. PLoS One 11(9): e0163415.
  14. JT Xiao Joe, PP Chiou, CY Kuo, JH Jia Lin, JL Wu, MW Lu (2019) The microbiota profile and transcriptome analysis of metabolism and immune response during metamorphosis stages in orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 90:141-149.

Other Publications:

  1. TT Chen, CM Lin, MJ Chen, JH Lo, PP Chiou, HY Gong, JL Wu, MH C Chen, C Yarish (2015) Chapter 13. Transgenic Technology in Marine Organisms. In: Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology. Kim, Se-Kwon (Ed.). ISBN 978-3-642-53970-1.
  2. JK Lu*, HY Chou, HY Gong, PP Chiou, CW Huang, LL Chen, JL Wu (2015) The marine aquaculture biotechnology status and its sustainability in Taiwan. Current Biotechnology 4: 311-318.

